If you want to comment on these reviews, they are also on steam and you can find them by visiting my profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/ni6hant/. (Don't send friend request if I haven't asked you to).
Shit Steam Games that fill your Inventory with unremovable stuff
Alan Wake (Abandoned) → Not Recommended
Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown (Playing) → Recommended
AQtion (Abandoned) → Not Recommended
Assassin's Creed Unity Co-op (Abandoned) → Not Recommended
Assassin's Creed → Recommended
Assassin's Creed II → Not Recommended
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood → Recommended
Assassin's Creed Revelations → Recommended
Assassin's Creed III Remastered (Abandoned) → Not Recommended
Assetto Corsa (Abandoned) → Not Recommended
Batman: Arkham Origins → Recommended
Battlebit Remastered (Abandoned) → Not Recommended
Battlefield 1 (Abandoned) → Not Recommended
Battlefield Bad Company 2 (To Play) → Recommended
Battlefield 2042 (Abandoned) → Not Recommended
Battlefield V (Abandoned) → Not Recommended
Black Squad (Abandoned) → Not Recommended
Call of Duty 2022 (Abandoned) → Not Recommended
Call of Duty: World at War (Abandoned) → Not Recommended
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (2007) → Recommended
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009) → Recommended
Chair Simulator (Abandoned) → Not Recommended
Combat Master (Abandoned) → Not Recommended
CSGO (Abandoned) → Not Recommended
Deep Rock Galactic (Abandoned) → Not Recommended
Detroit: Become Human → Recommended
Dirt Rally (Playing) → Recommended
Disney Classic Games Aladdin and the Lion King (Playing) → Recommended
Dying Light Co-op → Recommended
Elden Ring: Seamless Co-op Mod (Playing) → Recommended
Fear Series (Abandoned) → Not Recommended
Forza Horizon 4 (Playing) → Recommended
Forza Horizon 5 (Abandoned) → Not Recommended
Frostpunk (To Play) → Recommended
Helldivers 2 (Abandoned) → Recommended
Insurgency (Abandoned) → Not Recommended
Ironsight (Abandoned) → Recommended
L.A.Noire (Abandoned) → Not Recommended
Mortal Shell (Abandoned) → Not Recommended
Operation: Harsh Doorstop (Abandoned) → Not Recommended
Polygon (Abandoned)→ Not Recommended
PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS (Abandoned) → Not Recommended
Quake Champions (Abandoned) → Not Recommended
RaceRoom Racing Experience (Abandoned) → Not Recommended
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun (Abandoned) → Recommended
Splitgate (Abandoned) → Recommended
Sniper Elite (Abandoned) → Not Recommended
Sniper Elite V2 Remastered Co-op → Recommended
Sniper Elite 3 Co-op → Not Recommended
Sniper Ghost Warrior (Abandoned) → Not Recommended
South Park: The Stick of Truth → Recommended
Super Hexagon (Abandoned) → Recommended
Team Fortress 2 (Abandoned) → Not Recommended
The Crew 2 (Abandoned) → Not Recommended
Thief (Abandoned) → Not Recommended
Thief Deadly Shadows (Abandoned) → Not Recommended
Tomb Raider IV: The Last Revelation (1999) (To Play Again)→ Recommended
Uncharted 4: Legacy of Thieves collection → Not Recommended
Unturned (Abandoned) → Not Recommended
Vecter (Abandoned) → Not Recommended
World of Warships (Abandoned) → Not Recommended
Yakuza 0 (Playing) → Recommended
Zombie Army Trilogy (Playing) → Not Recommended
Dead by Daylight
Counter Strike 2
Team Fortress 2
World of Tanks
Killing Floor 2
I love resource management games. I love horror games. I don't like horror games disguised as resource management games.
That includes Resident Evil Series.
Story is nice for the first few hours then it sort of veers off. The game mechanics are weird and the horror part of this games with resource management. This is a good story to watch on youtube, but to really play, no, sorry, I can't do it. I gave it my best shot but I really really can't.
Further personal note:
"Any game is fun when you are playing it with someone." - ni6hant
I played this game while livestreaming and many people were present. Even though there were signs of this game being ♥♥♥♥, I continued because it was livestream. Months later when I picked this up again and had to continue playing it, I didn't want to at all. Now that I look back to those livestreams I wanted this game to end so badly and when I saw the number of chapters this game had I just gave up.
Update: Got my Flight Stick working. Will play it again for a while before updating review. This time review will be just about the single player game and NOT the flight stick issue.
Most joystick doesn't work out of the box. You need on install X360CE and make your system think your Joystick is a gamepad by mapping those buttons and then launching the game. You can't manually set each controls in the game itself like Project Wingman. Why? This is a flight game, that's what I want to do, what the hell!
Had I known that, I would have refunded. I got the Logitech Extreme 3D Pro and it doesn't work normally. You have to fake the game into thinking either you have a gamepad or the Joystick it wants, which looks like a pain to setup, gonna try refunding nonetheless.
Not even close to counter strike. The controls feel clunky. The shooting is weird. There is no visual indicator to let you know if you can play the game at all. There are weird lags in between.
If you're going to damn CS, at least have a decent product.
Can't play co-op with pre-made parties. That's the whole reason to get this game. To play with friends.
There were open public lobbies, which I was able to join but since no in game voice or in game chat, might as well have played with AI.
If you want to try it for yourself:
Skipped all cutscenes and it took me about 1 hour 10 minutes to start the main Paris mission where you can start looking for co-op. Spent the next hour trying to find out why my friend couldn't play with me but we could play in separate lobbies so just went for a refund. Will try again in the next sale.
Note: It was all streamed AC Unity didn't run in c-op mode in premade parties 2024 Update and hence refunded under 2 hours
"Pirated it as a kid when you couldn't even buy this game in India even if you wanted to.
Finally bought it years later. Loved it back then even though it was repetitive."
Best way to play:
Mute the whole game, pick up an audio-book and listen to it while playing this game. It's the best way to make sure you don't feel like you're wasting your time with unskippable worthless missions and long dialogues.
What's fun:
Plotting your way to kill enemies, be it the boss or a smaller enemy is quite fun and getting chased by them trying to bump into other NPCs is quite fun and challenging since the controls are $h!t. But that's the only fun part of this game.
Everything else, is not.
Performance and Graphics:
Very low system requirements so easy to get into in the first AC game and apart from a few initial gray levels, the other levels are quite colorful.
The controls can be jerky at times where you will see yourself trying to hang of small stair in the streets and accidentally jumping in the wrong direction whether you're on mouse and keyboard or Game-pad alike.
It's personally recommended that you play on a Game-pad not because it plays better or anything but after a while you will not be bothered what's going in the game as it will take you through unskippable long cut-scenes and other worthless trailing missions and you will wonder why do I have my hand in battle position at all.
No achievements on steam.
The bad
Play this game to see how Ubisoft started with the repetition formula and trailing missions.
Even in the first game, there are so-so many repetitive pick-pocket mission, investigation mission and other forms of trailing missions.
Instead of a making a shorter game with original content they decided to go with the complete repetition formula.
On top of that the fact that there are 100 flags or more for many cities, just makes you don't even want to try to complete the game to it's fullest.
The cut scenes are just cut scenes, just because I can move in a 1 foot square, doesn't mean it's no more a cut scene.
The parkour controls are horrible, you will often find yourself jumping in the wrong direction, hanging off a half-foot stair and accidentally dropping from places hoping you don't die.
I do understand that this game made a huge effort in coming from Prince of Persia Series and a lot of new things were added but the fact that they just put so much effort in artificially lengthening the game than what it should have been makes it a very difficult recommendation to anyone.
A good upgrade on visuals from AC1 but uninteresting and unappealing parkour and unsatisfying fights.
Just like many sequels it just tries to appeal to people already in AC1 and not recommended at all.
This game started to show the signs of getting away from the assassin's mindset and slowly turned out the shit it is today.
Infuriating trailing mission. At least in the first one, the walk speed was fast and didn't get the warning "Reduce Distance to Target" where the NPC even stops walking if you go far enough. This is literally the worst mechanic this game ever developed.
The throwing knifes suddenly are nerfed. You have to throw them twice now to kill. Combat is unsatisfactory. Just engage a bunch of hired people to fight and keep stabbing the enemies from behind. It all feels like a chore.
There are hundreds of things to do and explore but all feel the same and are not significant in the slightest. The repetitions from the first game continue except now you also have to manage your economy.
Pirated it as a kid when you couldn't even buy this game in India even if you wanted to.
Finally bought it years later. Loved it back then even though it was repetitive.
Pirated it as a kid when you couldn't even buy this game in India even if you wanted to.
Finally bought it years later. Loved it back then even though it was repetitive.
Pretty good AC game. It's sort of like an expansion on the previous games.
You play this one for the story. Simple. If you start to remove Templar's influence, it's easily 40 hours game.
Tower Defence Mini Game is shit:
I hated that game so much that I found it easier to lose and then retake the area again. And the developers make sure you have to play this game by increasing your threat every time you purchase a new shop. So I would recommend always reducing your threat everytime you see a herald or the eye-witness.
Assassins Missions:
I did them everytime my assassins were empty and even then after 4 hours I have not yet completed one of them. There are a shit ton of the missions, many won't show up unless you complete the previous one. I will not be completing them.
Bombs are shit:
The bombs are worthless. I like never used the bomb because they don't last long enough for you to do something useful. There are many customisation to the type of bombs and I genuinely tried making different forms of them but never actually helped me in combat. The weapons are good enough and you can't escape with the smoke bombs.
No horses:
No horses. No open fields. The map is quite small compared to older AC games.
Pro Tip: regularly exit the game to allow ubisoft launcher to save your progress. It ruined mine and had to complete the last few hours again.
Cutscene-Trail-Cutscene-Go to a location-Cutscene-Trail-.... and repeat.
There is so little in the actual game that it feels like a job.
The amount of work needed just to start playing this game is too much. Controllers trigger accelerator doesn't work as it should. It works as if it was analog.
Just buy it and the other arkham games when they go on sale. Worth every penny.
Excellent game, not for India, ping always higher than 100ms and lot of ping fluctuation makes this unplayable in India.
Very few servers and servers are filled with invisible hackers and you can't kick them.
No servers for India. The closest one is 170ms
Didn't get a chance to say goodbye to the first game I bought on steam years ago and had countless hours of fun. After a bad taste with BF5 and BF2042 wanted to play this to keep my sanity, now I've gone insane.
Can't play Battlefield 1, V, BC2, 3, 4 due to lack of servers for Indian regions. This is the only one I am stuck with.
Also, what happened to classes? Anyone can pickup any set of tools WTF
Also, agents? Why?
I am still not sure I would recommend it as of yet, give me atleast 100 hours.
Filled with hackers and they can't be kicked.
No close servers for India. There are two, one is filled with Bots and the other hosts games that no one wants to play. Other than that it's about 150ms+
Money grabbing piece of shit. Pay to win game. Guns locked.
All guns needs to bought with money.
No, I won't change my display name just to play your name. My ID: ni6hant has been fine in this game for a while and suddenly it stops working. Also, I can't actually change it as it says token expired.
I love the COD games but this one isn't the one to play.
The guns, the Garand, the Carbine, the Kar98, and all others don't feel they have we weight or impact to them at all. They were all better in the first COD game and even in the second.
The same is true with nades.
The single player campaigns lacks a lot of things but mainly meaningful engagements. Either you are easily sniping 40 people one by one across the map or you're desperately trying to kill random spawning enemies with auto-grenades thrown.
This game felt like a chore and not fun at all. I still love the COD 1 game and will return to that one just to keep my sanity.
The first good modern warfare game. Satisfying gun game-play especially with the snipers.
Also some amazing cut-scenes which you're actually a part of even though you can't do much.
Newer games should learn how to incorporate this type of cut-scenes into the game-play.
And yet there are many ways you can approach a situation.
Stay away from Veteran Difficulty even if you get it in the training as a recommended option like I got..
No achievements on steam at all but loved the whole premise anyways.
Love the campaign. Love the background music. Don't play on Veteran Difficulty, it's broken.
Story is captivating and so many ways to kill enemies like thermal guns, sentry guns, Stinger missile and fuck-ton of weapons with different attachments just lying around.
Also famous for it's spec-ops mode which is co-op and people keep finding each other online just to get the achievements. Get it on sale and play. Runs pretty good even on dated hardware 1080p highest on mx150 and i5 8250u CPU with 8GB RAM.
1) High mouse sensitivity. No control option.
2) No video option. BF1 runs but this lags.
3) I went on to sit on the lawn chair that was like 3-4 stars but only 50 points in the last section and died instantly with no explanation to what I did wrong.
4) None of the tags of this game are correct. There is no Hentai or Nudity in this game.
Would not play again.
The point generation in the beginning was very slow but can be dealt with. What can't be dealt with is the high mouse sensitivity and no option to change it. Also, no option to change the video settings too. It was running very very laggy even though I can play Battlefield 1 easily.
Combat Master
I remember when I bought this game for my sister, I really wanted her to experience online gaming and she actually did, but it's not for me.
The only reason I installed this game was the lack of servers on Battlefield and Call of Duty. I am more of a realistic military shooter kind of guy, however, I still wanted to give this a try and I did. 1500 hours worth of try.
And I can say this after much retrospect that it has not been worth it.
I spent 100+ hours on Excel courses and got a job as an Assistant Project Manager.
I spent 200+ hours on Programming language and got a job as an entry Software Developer with a non-IT Degree.
And this game expects me to put 1000+ hours just to learn the mechanics that could have been literally spelled out.
Here are those stupid things that should not be hidden from the player:
1) You are way accurate with some weapons even if you are running side-ways like the deagle, it's so easy to headshot someone when they are close by just walking right or left and shooting them.
2) The hitbox of many character models are actually a bit below their head. Aim for their chin especially with deagle.
3) You keep sliding even if you let go of movement keys. Always counter the keys. For example if you moved a bit left, tap the right button.
4) The scope sensitivity is not equal to the normal sensitivity for different distances. This makes is very hard to pick either a rifle or an AWP for any new players.
5) You can bind +jumpcrouch to space to easily climb simple places.
6) You can bind +jumpthrow to lineup smokes better.
7) You have to watch a lot of videos on how to actually lineup decent smokes.
8) Smokes are a disaster in this game. Sometimes you can see the whole person through the smoke while they can't see anything, other times, it's the opposite.
9) Most of the aiming in this game is with keyboard, you lineup a shot by looking at a patch on the wall, then quickly move to the side, then stop and shoot. That's what you will be doing all the time.
10) It doesn't matter if you play this game on 4k, your whole aiming will be based on a small square in the middle of the screen and this is why you will see pros just kissing the screen.
The other game breaking things are:
1) Hackers, cheaters and smurfers are full in this game that will ruin this experience. Recently, the amount of server crashers in the game have made it almost unplayable even the casual games.
2) If a map is designed for 5v5, why are there 10v10 playing the same? It should not be allowed at all.
3) Two smokes or smoke and molly interactions are still game breaking. You can see someone through them and gain an advantage.
The stupid things are:
1) The amount of toxicity based on literally nothing is just phenomenal. Even though you will find a few good people but those have been getting smaller and smaller. It's no more a fun place it used to be to hangout, it's now a hell-hole of try-hards in a 10v10 lobbies.
2) If a girl's voice is heard, everyone starts simping, whereas if it's a kid, they are being kicked.
3) Unbalanced weapons are still there in this game. Have fun finding them out.
4) There is no place for character skins in this game. They still blend into the environment.
Earlier Review:
The amount of time you have to spend in this game to even be at a decent below average level is so much that you might as well learn a skill in real life or learn to play an outdoor game.
If you have spend 1500+ hours playing badminton or learning dancing or spend that much time in learning some skills, you are much better in life than to play this fucking game.
If you just want to enjoy gaming, play some action shooter co-op games, this is not it.
From the first moment you touch this game to the 1000s of hours it will be the same for you, a close game all the time in which you will be sweating and being shit on if you played a little badly and given a god level if you pulled some good clutches.
If you want to enjoy life, this isn't a game for you. Please don't waste your time on this especially if you are a working individual.
Find some other game that you and your mates can enjoy for a few moments everyday. This ain't it.
Just get Helldivers 2.
This game tried so hard to be both Minecraft and Helldivers that I just thought to play either one of them.
It was hard for me to buy Helldivers too but I did because it's better to get one good game instead of 10 shitty ones.
Just like with Assassin's Creed, I bought and played until the hack and slash one then instead of buying the next one just saved up for Sekiro and it has been the best decision I ever made.
Waited 2 years and saved up money to buy this game ever since I saw the release trailer and played the demo of this. It is well worth the price.
Compared to The Walking Dead which claims everywhere that it is choice based but really isn't. This really is. And this is the first game where I didn't mind Quick Time Events because they were properly quick and the control made sense too, otherwise I hated them.
Game time is 10 hours:
But really there are so many branching paths that I will not be surprised if I spend another 50+ hours in the game itself. I am dying to know what happens with other endings. Compared to fucking 68 hours I spent on the The Walking Dead where apart from the first season everything else was just torture.
If you bump into a pole, you crash.
People often ask where do I get my perseverance in the face of constant failures from, or in other words, how to keep playing Sekiro with extra handicap?
Well, when you play Aladdin in MS-DOS with no saves and re-spawns if you die and no internet or cheats to help you out, you become a man.
The amount of days to figure out that I had to break the diamond with apple in the water dungeon whatever level it was, was absolutely too long. I will try to complete it again if I don't get PTSD attack first.
Get on 85% and get the full version and only play this game as co-op. Very fun even with one other player.
Seamless Co-Op Review
I am playing the whole game in Seamless Co-Op mod with a friend[1] and this is a review mainly for that.
Where the Co-Op Shines?
The one thing in single player gameplay is constantly dying during exploration on funny ways(As Miyazaki wanted) but that also means that sometimes you have to repeat a lot of steps again and again to get back to the same point as before. With this however, when one dies, the other guy can keep the minor enemies from respawning as long as he is alive except for Bosses of course.
The other thing is Bosses can be easily distracted if they are being attacked from two direction but let make it absolutely clear this doesn't make the bosses easy. For every new partner that joins the game, the bosses health go up by 100% and also increases their various different attributes. On top of that the main bosses we have encountered in our first 30 hours of gameplay, all do such sweeps or AOE attacks that they hit both of you if you are close or sometimes even far away.
So even though the bosses are easy to approach with, they are tougher and will still challenge you a lot.
Sharing the experience with someone else is also a big thing. We mostly went into this game blind and we didn't use online help if we got stuck. We simply moved to other areas if we died enough times and if it felt like we were not doing enough damage with our weapons.
Where the game shines?
Choice of Combat: We played the first 30 hours just exploring and didn't even bother with combat that much. I wanted to be a ranged class that doesn't get into battle that much and my friend wanted to be a get up and close with a huge weapon guy. We both got our wishes from almost the beginning of the game.
And during this, we decided to change things up where we only used magic and didn't get into battle, where I took weapons and shield only to parry and we could do that without a hitch, where I just wanted to shoot arrows from far away, where I wanted to use swords smeared with my own blood for a lot of damage, etc...
No matter what type of gameplay or weapon we thought of, we could do it.
That's one of the biggest areas where the game shines.
Free Adventure and Exploration: After first few hours we decided to start exploring everything and we were able fulfil that curiosity by going into a lot of areas, some areas not even meant for beginner levels but there was no one to stop us. We kept running avoiding combat and picking up late game stuff at the very beginning only because the game wanted us to explore.
Frequently Asked Question
There are some crashes here and there but only when you don't do major actions together like resting together. However, there are some random crashes too but not so much that it will ruin the experience and since there are save points everywhere it doesn't really matter.
There are few minor bugs when an enemy will have half a health when you wake up but it's rare.
You get debuffs if you die in normal exploration which stops the strategy of keeping minor enemies from spawning while the other player joins in.
Note: It's only been 30 hours and we focussed on enjoying the game so this review isn't complete yet.
1) Complete Gameplay was done live but not in English Language and can be found here:
It might have been a great game when it actually came out but now, it just feels terrible. I don't want to touch this game again.
Get it before it gets delisted. Get the Ultimate version. Yes, it's worth playing at 80% off.
This is not a driving game. It's an excellent game you play to show off to others how cool it looks.
Game looks good and that's about it.
Driving doesn't feel like driving. It's more like slithering around like a snake. I don't feel the weight or power of the car. I just feel like I am being chauffeured around while looking at beautiful scenery.
I turned all assists off, highest difficulty to make the car go crazy and hit something but it didn't.
Very very addicting game. Once you start, you won't get up for hours. It's really fun especially with everyone on the stream.
Saved up money for months for this and the reason was:
This looked like fun and it is fun once I got it.
Actual players willing to use their mic-in game.
The way networking works and PvE in this game means you will be playing with people all around the world and even on PlayStation.
People Work Together:
This being PvE, people have no option but to work together and work together they do. Every resources you find in game is being shared among people so there is no reason to kill each other other than accidentally that happens a lot but it's still fun.
No toxicity:
In my 100 hours of total game, there was just once that someone was toxic. I come from playing CS and for me it was a weird change. I expected every match to be toxic and people wanting to kill myself or have sexual relations with my whole family tree, but I was confused and surprised as even the players with most hours in this game are willing to help the new players out.
Ever since the game launched I had my eyes on this and I got it when I could. It's the only game where the developers actually make changes to the game based on the feedback. Like the many nerfs this game received over months which lost it's player base are to be reverted on 17th Sep and people are already joining the game even before that.
DLC/In-game is not needed:
This is the only game I feel the need to buy the DLC even though it's not needed at all, just to support the developers.
You don't need to buy anything in game after you have purchased it. Just have fun and playing and slowly unlock everything and test them out. The main focus of this game is to have fun.
In-game events:
There are in game events all the time and people keep joining them again and again.
Helldivers 2 DLC → Recommended
Only get this if you want to support the developers:
1) A cape and body armor and helmet exclusively that you can't get normally.
2) A mini game on your ship which others can play when they join your ship. Most actually do play it. Can't get normally.
3) "Super-Citizen" Title which you can't get normally.
4) An SMG that no one cares to use which you can't get normally.
5) Steeled Veteran Warbound that you can unlock in game by playing so you can get normally.
Literally one server that too in the EU. SEA stay away from this.
COD Clone.
The game looks like pay to win at first but it's not exactly. I was easily killing other people and at no time it felt like I was at a disadvantage due to not buying better guns. Also the guns unlock automatically.
This game has major balance issues.
I enjoyed playing the game the first time but maybe it's not as good once I start to play ranked.
I couldn't afford Mafia, this was on sale. Looked pretty fun so I got it.
The stories are fine but since everything revolves around facial animation, it's fun for the first couple of hours but then it gets repetitive. The story changes, the people change but the main way you deal with everyone doesn't really change.
I don't know. I guess what I want to say is, this game stopped being fun after the first couple of hours. When I saw the extra content that I didn't even touch after doing significant part of the game, it felt daunting to think I will have to do those again.
I think the trailers, videos about this game make this seem like something really great when it really isn't.
Add on top of the fact that I lost all my 11 hour saves, I have NO intention of ever repeating those missions again. I am done with this game.
Now I have Mafia, I don't want to play this game at all.
Beware: The few choices shown below are not the only options in the game. The whole screen is interactive a lot and if you play the first game for the first time, it's really easy to miss.
Other than, it's a solid 2 hours game with most of the mind going towards the music of the game.
For a game that costs equal to two bags of chips, I was pleasantly surprised. Haven't played such games in a while actually.
I didn't play this game in a few sitting like it was meant to be played. It's a pretty good story and try to finish this in a few sittings close to one another. I just completed this and it was barely 12 hours where I even kept dying stupidly at many places so it can be done in even lower time. That's my main tip with this game.
You play this for the story but unlike Uncharted AAA games there is still some game play to be enjoyed amongst those stories. I already have the next two Mafia games and I am really looking forwards to it.
Not fun
Not for the Indian region. Servers are 250+ ping and really can't play on those.
The game itself doesn't feel like a shooting game. I don't know what's off about this game. But it's something, maybe the shooting or something, it just doesn't deliver on the military shooter promise.
Better pay for proper military shooter games than get this for free.
Pay to win. Pay a lot to get usable weapons at all.
Also, full of hackers.
Also no asian servers so 200+ ping from India.
Shit Steam Games that fill your Inventory with unremovable stuff
F this game. It says 90ms but the delay is like 500ms, yes 500ms. It's worse than playing on Nvidia Geforce Gamestreaming with bad ping. WORST PURCHASE EVER. Should have immediately asked for a refund.
40mins and still couldn't find a match. SEA region stay away.
I don't like the way the car feels. It doesn't feel like I am driving a car. It feels like I am driving a camera only.
It's like when you hold your pee for a very long time and then you actually pee, how satisfying it feels. This game is like that.
Stopped playing a few years ago after I reached the mountain level. It looked so damn good that I decided then and there that I won't play this game until I get a 100% sRGB Display and as promised I am back. This is a visual masterpiece. It's very easy, looks like you're just cruising through only controlling the camera and enjoying the view. Once in a while you can kill some bosses but only if you want, because they are very easy and not worth the detour. Just enjoy the game.
Saved up money by stopping myself buying a lot of games. And it was absolutely worth it. Hoping to beat this once and the put on my resume.
This game should come with a similar warning to Yakuza games:
"Real Shadow Tactic Player use Game-pad"
As soon as I tried the game-pad, the whole game play changed from the old point and click of the commandos type game to actually controlling the characters with the gamepad. And I was hooked.
SEA Region: No one uses mic because most of them are chinese. That's the only downside.
Every game is pretty fun to play. The Bat mode is especially fun.
Excellent game for when it came out. Don't want to play now especially when the maps are already in Sniper Elite 2 and I have played that earlier
Runs on potato PC: i5-8250U & MX150 with 60fps+
Servers are still alive for multiplayer and they are the most fun you will have in this game.
Single player campaign is already pretty good especially on the higher difficulty.
First Sniper Elite Game I played and it was so difficult when I played it as a kid on the highest difficulty and solo. When now I played in co-op with highest difficulty and no tactical assistance, I had so much fun in this game, just trying to go through the levels and figuring out where the snipers are hidden.
Also if you do turn of tactical assistance, you will have a tough time adjusting for wind and bullet drop as a proper sniper should. It was hell of fun trying to shoot someone very far away.
In co-op remember to turn the bullet cam to the lowest otherwise some missions are impossible to do while you are stuck in the bullet cam animation.
Game is short, it's good, with some weird network fails if you play it in co-op.
Weird quirk with the game:
Random spawn of the enemies. They don't come out like normal enemies but they immediately spawn in an area as soon as you hit a marker. I saw one of them coming out of thin air in the second last mission. This can get very irritating but once you realise it, you are ready for it.
What price to get this at:
For 75% off, excellent. Anything more, no. It's a short game.
Played Co-op the whole eight missions. Some missions are just stupid with no save check points between them. Other missions didn't make any sense and most missions were very very short. The main issue was inconsistency.
Playing this game right after Sniper Elite V2, this seems like a step backward. This game wasn't fun. There was nothing memorable. Not one moment that I could point to and remember this game. The things I do remember is unlocks of basic guns and equipments like this game was made for multiplayer only. Single player story seems like an afterthought.
I don't really have much to tell about this game other than that I hated it. Also, it kept crashing on many many modes. BTW we played on the highest difficulty with no tactical assistance.
It's not a Sniper game, plain and simple.
I can't remember the last time I laughed in a game this hard. I usually don't play RPG or turn based combat at all now(played too many as a kid) but I made an exception for this. Of course there are a lot of dumb jokes but there are some pretty decent jokes too. It's not always in your face with jokes which I like. There is still combat and levelling up. The more I played this game, the more it made me wonder what I expect another game like Elden Ring to be like.
I haven't played Elden Ring yet but I really want it to be like this. Like this, I mean where you get to chose your type of character, types of upgrades and types of play-style even if they don't make much sense. They should be fun. Everything in this in terms of combat is fun. There was never a time when I actually wanted to stop playing this game. There is decent enough story and pretty good narrative and side-quests going along.
Must play for a South Park fan or even if you're looking to get into South Park altogether. I just put combat on easy because I was more focussed on the story and you don't have to encounter every baddy that you come across. You can just run and avoid them if you don't want to do it.
Update: Servers seems to be fine now. You can buy but with caution as the servers can be shut down at any time. Worth buying in sale.
Buy the full DLC package as Rocket Jet Pack is where the most of the fun is, and only in a sale and remember that the servers can be shut at any time. It's a solo experience that requires servers. Other people join but since they don't speak or chat, it feels like most of them are bots.
The game doesn't have an offline play mode and it requires a constant internet connection to be played. That wouldn't be an issue if the servers weren't shit. The servers keep disconnecting you every few minutes and it ruins your game-play whatever you were doing.
I really liked the tutorial and was looking forward to play more but I kept getting disconnected every few minutes even though I am on an Ethernet connection and fibre internet.
FYI: I am playing from India, Asia.
The game for the sub-conscious mind and not the conscious mind. Don't try to focus on this game. Keep your conscious mind engaged with some audiobook that you have to focus on and then just play this game with it's music turned off. That's very important to win this game.
Then the below will help too:
1) Don't hesitate. Either keep going right or left, don't worry if you accidentally went too much in which direction.
2) Don't play when you're feeling sleepy. This game can seriously cause epileptic attack in people who have no medical history of one.
3) Do Anapanna Meditation(Part of Vipassana course) while playing and keeping your focus on your breath and not on the game.
For the Developer:
1) Add a big long epileptic warning to this game and possible way to minimise it(light room, stay awake and all).
2) Add leader-board too.
Shit Steam Games that fill your Inventory with unremovable stuff
I would still ask refund if I got this game for free. I got it for 98% off and then I still refunded it.
Cars don't feel like cars. Planes don't feel like planes. Boats don't feel like boats.
I don't understand the point of this game.
I just got reminded of NFS Most Wanted 2005 while playing this and I might play that instead of continuing this, however I have head good things about Beam.NG too.
If I want to fly planes, either Microsoft Flight Simulator or Project Wingman(Have to try) instead.
If I want to do some boat racing, I don't remember the exact game but I played a boat game which was quite famous on Android about 10 years ago and that felt better than this.
Everything was streamed live: https://www.youtube.com/live/wgdzr5rczFg
I don't know why I don't feel like playing this anymore.
This turned out to be not something the trailer showed it would be.
It didn't turn out to be what I thought it would be. It's very cool when it did come out but I am not playing this anymore
The first Lara Croft game I played as a kid. It took 10 minutes just to start the game and I have died so much and even got the answer to jumping fire puzzle literally in my dream as a kid.
Sadly, once in the mummy level, I tried for weeks but couldn't' figure out what to do. I wasted all my bullets trying to kill the zombies and diving under water. My hands use to literally shake and I used to tremble with fear in this game.
It was the day of no youtube and no online tutorials or walkthroughs so that was the end of this game for me back then.
Had to pay Rs.40 for the pirated copy back in 2000s.
Loved it then, will try to see if it even boots now on WIndows 10 or not and try finishing that level again.
Play this game not as a game but as a movie because that's what it is. Pick up a controller, keep the difficulty low and enable aim-assist. Because if you start to approach this game as anything but a movie, you will have the following experience:
This game made me question what a game really should be. If I have to keep tapping something for an animation to play on screen, is it gaming? I don't think so. Gaming is freedom, not just a narrative store. If we strip away the story and the character development or in short what makes a movie good, we are left with a very mediocre game.
Climbing Uncharted vs. Assassins Creed's climbing:
Yes, it's better than Assassins' Creed, or is it?
People love to complain about Assassins Creed including me because they changed their formula from a stealth based ninja type assassin to an RPG game to appeal to the masses and sell a shit load of things but remembering the first and second Assassins' Creed game I do miss that freedom on how I want to approach climbing. Check the section below in case you think I am saying that the climbing in Assassins game is any good, it's not. But what I mean to say it atleast with AC there was some form of freedom. Here, everything is so so scripted that it felt more like a movie than actual game.
Lack luster Climbing in games in general:
My major problem with this is there isn't much game to play actually is there? A big part of the game is climbing and it's nothing more than glorified animations. There is no skill involved. Every jump from one place to other isn't timed. It doesn't feel like climbing at all. If climbing was its core it should have been so much more.
Of the top of my head even just jumping from one ledge to the another should involve very precise timings. There should be multiple paths on how one can approach the climb and how things play out because that's what gaming is, isn't it?
Grappling rope should be so much more precise and so much more difficult then just pressing one button on your controller. I was on the highest available difficulty mind you
Lack of skill:
Sekiro is a perfect example of this. If you master the core of that game no matter what situation you're in, you are sort of ready with what to do and you develop that skill as you play the game. That's right, a game. Here, I could have started any level with zero experience and I still would have to sweat tear and blood if I wanted to lose.
It feels like it's impossible to lose in this game. Every bad paths are blocked. You can't climb certain areas which aren't narrative drives. Everything is so so linear. The more I played this game the more I wanted to play Tomb Raider, not the newer reboots but the original 1,2,3,4 ones which don't look as great by today's standards but are great games.
The more I played this game the more I wanted to play games which were actually games.
Difficulty is a joke:
Also, I think in the name of difficulty every enemy's health was just increased by a lot. It used to take me six rifle shots to take down an unarmored enemy.
And don't even let me get started on armored enemies. I expected enemies to actually get smarter or handicap you someway so that you have to think or shoot better but all the higher difficulty does is add a lot more health to the enemies. This doesn't make sense.
Higher difficulty should also make climbing and shooting a lot more difficult but a lot more free too.
Cutscenes disguised as button mashers:
Every so often I would have to move something or pick a heavy object and there was just one button prompt on the screen. What's the point of this? There is no punishment if you don't press it quickly enough. And I see a pattern with games targeted for console.
Console primary games vs. PC games:
I have seen this with many Sony Games that will show some cool looking scene where my only job would be QTEs and such things. Earlier I pretty much took console gaming to be as competitive as PC gaming, or even if not so competitive, then at least a sense of freedom and what one can do with it. The more and more games which were primarily made for consoles I play, the more I realize there is a certain beauty to PC-first games. I just got strongly reminded of IGI. You know what, I am going to stick to games with skill now. I am done with these story rich games that aren't really games in the first place.
Shit Steam Games that fill your Inventory with unremovable stuff
Game should have a huge epileptic seizure warning maybe even a long video on how to avoid it. Something like:
Don't play in a dark room, keep room lit, don't play when feeling sleepy, quit if you feel even a little bit dizzy.
Once you add that, I think everything else works.
2 people were real, all other 10 were bots. This game is supposed to be multiplayer and not single player. I found that out after 30mins of playing with bots that the multiplayer experience is basically bots.
F man! This game hits hard. Make no mistake, as much as the game tried to be weird and funny, if it gets it gets too real too soon.
"Do orphans not get to dream?"
Keeping aside the Crashing Issues on newer CPUs(1), the game is really boring. More than 2/3rd of the game through we just didn't want to play anymore. How can a Zombie shooter be boring but they managed to pull it off somehow.
Don't want to boot it up again. Usually with co-op even the dumbest of games become a lot of fun but even co-op couldn't save this game.
1) Can be fixed by disabling e-cores or more than 16 cores on your BIOS or by going to msconfig→Advanced→And only enabling those cores that are performance. You will have to use another software to check which cores are performance first.